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Food Allergies

The food we eat is the single greatest determinant of our bodily health. People often shrug off the minor aches and pains that become more frequent as they get older as just another symptom of “aging”. But what if there was another explanation behind this? The aches and pains that we feel when we get older may have more to do with eating toxic foods than with getting older.

People of all ages suffering from conditions as varied as migraines, rashes, insomnia, fatigue, arthritis, asthma, obesity, depression, upset stomach, and sinus congestion have found that their symptoms were caused by eating foods their body cannot digest. In fact, delayed food allergies are the most common undiagnosed cause of unsolved chronic allergy symptoms.

This toxicity of food, which is unique for every person, is known as Toxic Food Syndrome (TFS). It is estimated that 95% of the population suffers from TFS.

Treatment Solutions

  • Immuno 1 Bloodprint allergy test to detect specific food allergies and identify toxic food syndrome

Based on the results of this food allergy test, you’ll receive a clear, concise easy to read report that includes:

  • ·Customized list of toxic foods to avoid
  • ·Customized list of foods to enjoy
  • ·Wallet-sized, laminated card listing your particular toxic foods
  • ·A personal food and meal plan
  • ·Helpful hints on what to buy when grocery shopping

We are so confident in this treatment that it comes with a money back guarantee.

  • Gluten analysis
  • Accurate blood testing to diagnose Candida condition

Food sensitivity testing helps you assess what foods or substances may trigger an allergic reaction. The majority of the US population suffers from a food allergy. The most typical allergens include milk allergy, egg allergy, peanut allergy, tree nut allergy, fish allergy, shellfish allergy, wheat allergy, soy allergy or gluten intolerance. To bring your food allergies under control you must commit to making permanent lifestyle & diet changes. However, there are many great tasting gluten-free, dairy-free alternatives at Austin grocery stores such as Whole Foods, Central Market, Sprouts and Sun Harvest. Additionally, many Austin restaurants offer vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free dishes to accommodate special dietary needs due to food allergies.

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Written by Cynthia